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- Hart, Allysa
Genie Daddy Page 4
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Page 4
The spanking got worse,, the sting of his hand amplified by the skin-on-skin contact it hurt more than I could ever have imagined. Without my pants to protect me, he couldn’t miss the way my body reacted. I didn’t like the pain, but my panties were sopping. My screams died down to pitiful whimpers as I pleaded with him to stop, but I didn’t really want him to. The way he had me pinned, the skin of his hand bouncing off my vulnerable flesh, pushed me into a haze of sexual need. The pain spread with each hard smack, and my clit throbbed. I tried to rub my legs together, so primed that any extra pressure would allow me to come, but my position didn’t allow for much movement.
“You are a naughty girl. You are not supposed to enjoy your punishment”,” Callum stated, yanking my pants down farther and spanking my upper thighs. The change in pain level pulled me out of my lusty fog, and I collapsed against the bench.
My cries of pain turned to sobs, and still he continued. I couldn’t keep track of how many times he spanked, the pain in my ass and thighs deep and unrelenting. My skin ached and burned from the top of my ass to the middle of my thighs, so intense I could not tell he had stopped until he tenderly lifted my chin with his index finger. A handkerchief materialized, and he took his time cleaning the tears from my face. I sniffled and hiccupped, but managed staunch the flow of tears.
“C-Can you let m-me g-go now, p-please?” I remained in the uncomfortable position, backside still exposed.
A soft smile touched his features. “Can you tell me why I was forced to punish you so thoroughly?”
I hung my head and squeezed my eyes shut. His question did weird things to my stomach and distracted me from the answer. I shook my head, hoping he would drop the subject. I should have known better.
“If you do not know, perhaps I did not do my job correctly. Perhaps I did not make the impression you wished for?”
My head shot up, and I shook it vehemently. “I didn’t wish for this!”
“Oh, little sprite. To quote your own words, ‘I just wish every fucking body would treat me the way I deserve to be treated!’ I warned you your behavior was unpleasant, but you continued on. Therefore, you got exactly what you deserved.” Hearing the words played back in his deep voice made me utterly miserable and for the first time in my entire life, my behavior embarrassed me. My face burned, and I wished I could hide from his intense glare, but I was mesmerized.
“Unfortunately, your wish will only last until your third wish has been granted and I am returned to my chambers. I am aware you asked for ‘every fucking body’ to treat you how you deserve, but it is against genie rules to control the behavior of another being. Therefore, for the remainder of our time together, it will be my sole responsibility to treat you in a manner befitting your behavior.”
I couldn’t believe what he said. This wasn’t a one-time thing? He planned to do it again? I had now wasted two perfectly good wishes, been subjected to humiliation by the sexiest being I had ever encountered, and it wasn’t over. I wanted to make my third wish right then and there, but I didn’t want to throw it away to avoid another spanking. I made a mental note to choose my words wisely so as not to screw up again.
“Do not look so grim, little sprite. My reacting to your behavior could also be a positive thing. Rewards will be given as well as punishments.”
“What kind of rewards?” At this point I had almost forgotten I was sans pants in public. The pain in my bottom, the burning need in my pussy, and his promises took up all of the mental capacity I had at the moment.
“Good girls receive rewards that make them happy. I cannot tell you what they will be because I do not know. You have given me permission to reward you with the desires of your heart. Only you know what those are. I will be just as surprised as you are when your behavior calls for a reward.”
Nodding, I again tried to stand. “Can you please let me go now? This is really embarrassing, and I could get arrested for being exposed in public like this.”
Callum chuckled, “Oh, ye of little faith. No one can see or hear us, I have made sure of it. As far as letting you go, I have asked you a question, and you have not yet replied.”
Sighing, I went back over the conversation to figure out what he meant. When my brain settled on the information, my mortification renewed. “You punished me because I deserved it.”
My pants rose and I was released immediately, swept up into a cradled position in his arms, and all of a sudden, we were in my room. He held tightly, and I snuggled closer. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been held like this. My father didn’t hug or kiss or even give words of love or praise. Thoughts of him renewed my tears.
“Shh, little sprite. All will be well. You need to rest quietly and regain composure, and then I believe there are a few directives I have given you.”
Even though he had returned to being bossy, I was thankful to stop thinking about my father. He didn’t deserve my tears. Nodding into his chest, I closed my eyes and listened to the beat of his heart, fascinated how he was not that much different than a real human. Besides the lack of anything below his waist, his goofy speech patterns, and his magic, he was all man. I wiggled in his arms, feeling the pain in my bottom.
“I need to use the restroom”,” I whispered.
He set me down, and I righted my clothes.
“Before I leave you to your work, is there something you would like to say to me?”
Knowing exactly what he wanted to hear, I lowered my eyes and nodded. “I’m sorry for my behavior and my language. I will be nicer, I promise.”
“And if you do not?”
“I will be punished again?” I guessed with a gulp.
He smiled, “Thank you. That is correct. You are a good girl, and as much as I enjoyed seeing your little bottom wiggle under my hand. I would much rather bring you pleasure than pain. I will return to my chambers, now. You know what to do if you need me.”
With that, he was gone.
The word “‘’pleasure” played over and over in my mind as I cleaned up. My ass was on fire, yet my body wept with need. Eyeing the shower, I decided I was not going to be able to work in this much agony. When the water warmed under my hand I squealed in delight. The plumber had been here, it appeared. I could have wept with relief. That is if I had any more tears left in me—after this afternoon’s events I did not. Stripping quickly, I took a moment to check out my bottom in the mirror. Really, really red. Some areas were darker than others, and bruises formed in a few places. Running my hand over it gently—I gasped in surprise. It was hot to the touch. Turning to face the mirror, I took stock of the rest of my body. My eyes were glazed, my nipples hard peaks, and a cursory swipe of my pussy reminded me of my imminent need.
Hopping into the shower, I took a moment to let the hot water seep into my bones and aching muscles. I took the removable showerhead from its perched position and set the stream to pulse. Directing the water, I used it to tease my entire body, imagining it was Callum’s touch. I started by letting the water massage my nipples, enjoying the slight jolt of pain that turned quickly into pleasure. Moving the stream downward, I widened my stance and positioned the pulsing stream in the perfect place to tease my entire core. With one hand tweaking my nipples and the water teasing my clit, I exploded into a brilliant spiral of overwhelming bliss, barely containing my scream of ecstasy.
My body twitched with tiny aftershocks as I replaced the showerhead and moved back under the stream of hot water. Still set to pulsing, the water pounded the back of my neck and shoulders like a soothing massage. My entire body relaxed, yet my heart felt heavy. Thinking of Callum, I remembered the entire reason behind his harsh punishment. I had treated Mary horribly and needed to apologize right away.
* * *
Fortifying myself for what could happen, I went in search of my aunt. It didn’t take long to find her. Dressed in baggy pants, and a tank top with the ever-present colorful scarf wrapped around her head, she crouched down, washing the wall underneath one of the sets of sh
elves. Not for the first time, I wondered how the place got so dirty. Mary was determined, vigilant, and disciplined. It seemed odd she would allow her store to go unkempt for so long.
“Aunt Mary?”
Mary turned to face me, eyes swollen. It appeared as if she had been crying. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath hoping I had not been the cause. “I, um, I’m not very good at this, but I’m, um, sorry. I haven’t been the best guest or the most help and… I don’t know, this is just really hard for me, but none of that is your fault, and I should control my temper better.
Mary didn’t say a word as she set down her wet sponge, removed her rubber gloves, dried her hands, and stood up. The silence was uncomfortable. Everything about this was uncomfortable. Putting my hands behind my back, I brushed my sore backside now covered in a flowy green skirt sans panties. I had attempted more “work friendly” attire, but the fabric rubbed too much against the tender flesh.
Still silent, Mary approached and pulled me into a hug. The first time the woman had touched me since I had arrived and it felt… right. I put my arms around her and pulled tighter, tears filling my eyes. Growing up with no mom and a distant father, I had learned early on physical affection was not to be expected. As I got older, my need for it had dissipated, or had it? I had now been hugged twice in one day, and both times my emotions went haywire.
“I forgive you sweetie. I know that was hard for you. You are just like him.” Mary spoke close to my ear.
“Just like who?”
“Your father. He never apologized for anything in all the years I knew him.”
I laughed at the idea of Vincent Burelli asking anyone for forgiveness. He would never humble himself. Then again, my friends back home might say the same thing about me. I had been in this town for the better part of two days and already hardly recognized myself.
Mary pulled away first, holding me at arm’s length. “I’m proud of you.”
That was it. There was nothing left to keep the tears at bay. Mary tightened her grip on my upper arms and would not let go.
“When was the last time someone told you that?” she inquired.
Tears fell freely then, and my brain felt jumbled as I tried to form a response. I could muster only a head shake and a shrug.
“Oh, baby girl, I am so sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” I sniffled.
“I should have never let that man raise you alone.”
“That man? He is my father.”
Mary’s eyes welled with tears, her chin quivered. Her gaze ricocheted back and forth between me and a spot on the floor. “And I am your mother.”
I stumbled back and fell onto the antique chest behind me with a hard thud. “You can’t be my mother. My mother died when I was two months old.”
Mary sighed. “You were two months and seven days old when he took you. I have regretted that day ever since. I told myself his money would keep you safe, but as you grew, I knew I had been wrong. I begged for him to let me see you, spend time with you.”
I stood with balled fists to keep from punching the woman. “What the fuck are you talking about? You better stop lying about my mother! She was beautiful, and she sang to me. I have proof.”
“Vincent told you that. You have no proof.”
“I have heard it with my own ears!” How could this crazy person be the woman my father had waxed poetically about? “You. Are. His. Sister! Either something sick was going on back then or you are a lying bitch!”
“Fiona, I understand you are upset and confused. Please, let me tell you the story.”
“I’m done listening! I’m calling my father, and I am going home.” I ran from the room before she could spout more lies. I raced out the door and into the street, but then I stopped short. Tears blinded me, and I didn’t know the area well enough to know where to go. I had no money, no job, no education besides an unearned high school diploma, and, now, no family.
Sitting on the curb I rested my forearms on my knees, laid my head down, and cried for what felt like the millionth time that day. Everything was so frustrating, and now I was confused about who my parents even were. On one hand, my father, who had raised me, had gotten out of jail the day after his arrest, and hadn’t even called me. On the other hand, this pushy, hard headed woman claimed to be my mother. Why tell me now? I was about to be twenty three, a legal adult, and would ultimately be financially set. I didn’t need parents. I didn’t need anyone. Except, maybe, Callum.
Great, turning to a genie for comfort. A genie who planned to spank me whenever he deemed my behavior unacceptable, apparently. Groaning at the reminder, I pressed my bottom against the edge of the curb to absorb some comfort from the pain. In less than two days, I had gone from wealthy, untouchable heiress to this poor, sad, lonely, pathetically dirty pauper subject to spankings from a mythical creature. I didn’t want to waste my last wish, but how much longer could I stand being subjected to his rough handling or stay in this hellhole with a crazy liar?
A warm hand wrapped around my bare shoulder, and I looked up to find the man who consumed my deepest thoughts. “What’s wrong, little sprite?”
“Don’t call me that!” I tugged my shoulder out of his grasp and scrambled to my feet. I felt too vulnerable sitting while he hovered over me. “I just… I apologized, and then she threw some stupid lie about being my mother at me, if you must know. Has my whole life been a lie? How do I know who’s lying? How can I trust anyone after this? How?”
“Take a breath, please.”
“You take a breath! I am in a fucking shit storm, and a breath is not going to help me.”
“A breath will not solve your problems, no. But it may save you from another paddling. That is one for the vulgar phrase. If I get to the count of three, I will be forced to discipline you, and I will make sure you do not like any of it.”
I immediately lost my bravado and fell into his arms. The day had been full of twists and turns, and it all seemed too much to handle.
His spicy scent filled my nostrils, and I burrowed as close as I could, barely noticing he had moved us to the privacy of my room. Lifting me into his arms, he settled us both on my bed. I allowed him to take care of me, thankful I didn’t have to think anymore.
“Now, would you like to speak calmly about the information you received from your aunt?”
“She says she’s my mother, but my mother is dead. My father told me about her. Why would he lie to me? She has to be lying.” My words came fast as my heart pounded again.
“Shhh. Take a breath, little sprite. Breathe with me.”
I nodded and lay back down on his chest trying to mimic his breathing pattern. It helped me regain composure instead of spiraling into a panic attack. It would be nice to have him around if he could help me calm down like this. With everything going on I was becoming more and more anxious as the days passed. The only time I didn’t feel like everything crumbled beneath my feet was when I was with him. He froze time and knew how to control my outbursts. If anyone back home heard I allowed a man to hold me like this, they would never believe it. I was independent and stone cold. No one took the time to pick through the ice surrounding my heart. This man, though, this man didn’t have to pick. The first time he touched me, the walls melted away. What was it about him?
“Good girl, now let’s try once more to complete our conversation in a calm and polite manner, shall we?”
“Yeah, whatever. We can try.” Annoyed, I didn’t want to talk. I just wanted to be left alone. Okay, a lie. I did not want him to leave, but I would love it if he would shut up.
“Sprite, you need to learn to show respect. ‘Yeah, whatever’ is not an appropriate response, especially to someone who is trying to assist you and has the ability to display his displeasure through a sound spanking.”
I pulled my shoulders up to my ears and gulped.
“From this point forward, you will respond to me at all times with a ‘Yes, Sir’ or a ‘No, Sir.’ Once your manners improve
, we may discuss times where such formality is unnecessary.”
I shot up so I could see his face. He had to be joking. “Sir? You think I am going to walk around calling you Sir?”
“You will, or you will be punished.”
Jumping off my bed, I turned on him. “Look, You may be some all-powerful genie or what-the-fuck-ever, but I will be damned if I am going to bow at your feet.”
“What?” I screeched.
“That is the second time you have used a vulgar phrase. One more, and you will be disciplined. I have not asked you to bow, yet,” he said, grinning unapologetically.
“Oh my God! You are seriously impossible!”
“And you are seriously in need of another attitude adjustment,” he countered. I was fired up, and he was completely unfazed. It was pissing me off to no end.
“Go fuck yourself!” I screamed within a foot of his face.
He shook his head, “Okay, little sprite, that’s three.” He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and I found myself facing a corner in my room.
“Yeah right, dude. Not gonna happen, there is no way I am standing in the corner like a naughty five year old. I tried to turn my body, but my feet wouldn’t move. More than that, I was actually floating. “Oh come on, that’s not even fair.”
“You may not speak during cornertime. You are to stand silently and consider the actions that brought this on. I gave you warnings; you decided not to heed them.”
“Heed this,” I yelled, flipping him the bird.
Another snap and my arms were pinned to my sides. “Would you like to keep pushing?”
“No, I would like to be let go.” I strained to break the hold, but I could barely move. “Put. Me. Down.” I growled, clenching my teeth so hard it made my jaw ache.